Alemseged Lab News
Click a title to learn about what goes on here at our lab, at conferences, and in the field.QnAs with Enquye Negash, Zeresenay Alemseged, and Jonathan Wynn
Join PNAS author in a question and answer session with Enquye Negash, Zeresenay Alemseged, Jonathan Wynn about their recent findings.
When Colorblind Parenting Meets Anti-racism
An Ethiopian-born biological anthropologist and father dissects the “myth of race” and reflects on his own deepening understanding of racism in the U.S.
Ancient hominins had small brains like apes, but longer childhoods like humans
Using conventional and synchrotron computed tomography, we scanned eight fossil crania, which allowed us to explore patterns of brain growth.
Human Origins Class in the Lab
This fall quarter, Professor Zeray Alemseged's "Human Origins: Milestones in Human Evolution" class visited our lab several times to to delve deeper into the fossil record and learn about cutting edge imaging and visualization techniques . During these sessions,...
PaleoLab Pilot Program
The PaleoLab program is a brand new summer program where middle school and high school aged students are able to learn about paleoanthropology and paleontology from experts in the field such as Zeray Alemseged and Paul Sereno. Students learned in an engaging and...