Alemseged Lab

Alemseged Lab Videos

Watch conference presentations, documentaries, and media coverage about our work.
The Leakey Foundation
Raymond Dart’s Legacy

Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Lecture
The changing face of Australopithecus and human origins in Africa

TED Talk
Finding the Origins of Humanity

The Story of Selam
The Discovery of the Earliest Child

Casina Pio IV
Who was Who 10

Casina Pio IV
Who was Who 11

Daily Show
With Zeray and Obama

Califorinia Academy of Science
Fossil Finder 1: Innate Human Curiosity

Califorinia Academy of Science
Fossil Finder 2: Harsh Working Conditions in Dikika

Califorinia Academy of Science
Fossil Finder 3: The Diet of Our Ancestors

Califorinia Academy of Science
Fossil Finder 4: Humanity’s Place in the World

Obama Meets Lucy

UChicago Medicine
The Dikika Child: Implications for Functional Foot Anatomy

Veritas Forum
On Bones and Genomes

The Earliest Child: The Significance of Selam

The Earliest Child Q&A

Ethiopian TV
Lucy is Back in Ethiopia

Meet ETV
Dr. Zeresenay Alemseged: Interview by Tefera Gedamu (1 of 2)

Meet ETV
Dr. Zeresenay Alemseged: Interview by Tefera Gedamu (2 of 2)

The Leakey Foundation
Exploring Ancient Diets

Obama Meets Lucy in Ethiopia

BBC World
Dikika Fossil Found by Zeresenay Alemseged

The Search for Humanity’s Roots

 Science Magazine
‘Lucy’s baby’ suggests famed human ancestory had a primitive brain

Casina Pio IV
Commemoration of PAS Academician Yves Coppens

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