Alemseged Lab News
Click a title to learn about what goes on here at our lab, at conferences, and in the field.2023 EYH Event
In a collaborative effort, our lab teamed up with Emily of the Shubin Lab to run a workshop at Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Chicago titled "Can You Dig It? Fossil Finding 101". (In case you missed it, read how we were first preparing some of our workshop items here.)...
Chicago Food Depository
Our lab members are engaged with UChicago's Integrative Biology's committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA). In an effort to service the local communities, DEIA organized a recent trip to the Chicago Food Depository where a few of us were...
2023 MR-SICB Conference
As part of a student organizing committee from our Organismal Biology & Anatomy (OBA) department, Hannah Farrell worked with The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) to host the Midwest Regional SICB (MR-SICB) here at UChicago. Maddie Kelly...
3D Technology & EYH
Public outreach is part of our lab's atmosphere, and this quarter our members have volunteered to run a workshop at Expanding Your Horizons (EYH), an effort to interest middle school girls in STEM fields now in its tenth year here in Chicago. To prepare for the...
Alemseged Lab & Dr. Mulugeta Alene
The Alemseged Lab team met for lunch and enjoyed the return of sunnier weather here in Chicago. We also welcome Dr. Mulugeta Alene, a Senior Geologist and Assistant Professor from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. "Mulu" is working with Zeray through The Neubauer...