Alemseged Lab

2024 South Side Science Festival

Oct 9, 2024

Several of our members participated again in UChicago’s South Side Science Festival (S3F), and we teamed up with the Tsegai Lab this year, which included Zewdi (not shown), post-docs Hannah and Jeff, and new student Makoto.

Laura and Maddie with former Alemseged Lab student, Hannah

Makoto with Austin

Jeff, Hannah, and Laura

Like last year, we set up a timeline for human evolution. This year, we added an interactive component using Laura’s outreach resources pertaining to the hand. Zeray even tried out the hand strength challenge, winning over the strength of colobus monkeys but not quite beating out mandrills.

The Alemseged Lab currently has two undergraduate interns, and both Christine (not shown) and Abigail were able to attend.

Makoto and Abigail

We enjoy the opportunity to engage with the public in this way and are grateful to the S3F facilitators for making it happen. We look forward to next year’s event!

Makoto, Abigail, and Maddie

Read more about the event here.

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