Alemseged Lab

Expanding Your Horizons Chicago | Lucy and the 3D Printer

Mar 24, 2018

Expanding Your Horizons is an annual, one day symposium dedicated to inspiring middle school girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

This is achieved by exposing them to various STEM careers through short, hands-on workshops run by dedicated volunteers. Kelsi M. Hurdle and department colleague, April Neander, co-developed a workshop for EYH Chicago 2018 titled “Lucy and the 3D Printer” that was held in Alemseged Lab.

In the workshop, the girls learned how CT scanning and 3D printing benefits scientists and designed their own 3D print. Additionally, the girls learned about human evolutionary anatomy while examining 3D printed fossils and took a tour of the lab’s own 3D printer!

More information:
2018 EYH Workshop | Lucy and the 3D Printer
EYH Chicago

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